What People Say

I have worked as both an attorney and a CPA on M&A transactions for over 20 years in Portland and Manhattan. During that time, Eric has brokered a number of transactions for my clients. His superior grasp of the economic, tax, legal and psychological dynamics of these transactions makes him an effective advocate for the client. Eric’s creativity has helped craft solutions to roadblocks in ways that have left both buyers and sellers feeling they have been treated fairly and professionally. He’s attentive to detail, responsive, and has great interpersonal skills. This instills confidence and respect in both clients and other members of the professional team. He seems to have a way of keeping people working together in a positive direction. I always feel like we have a better chance of getting a deal done when Eric brokers the transaction.
Milt Christensen, JD, MA, LL.M
Attorney, Harris Berne Christensen LLP
Portland, OR
I had the good fortune to meet and work with Eric on a recent prospective transaction. Eric's dedication to his client, the quality of his work product, and his forthright approach set him a cut above the brokers one typically encounters, and I would welcome the opportunity to work with him again in the future.
A. Kayvon Bina
Prospective Business Buyer
New York City, NY
By the way, the book/package you wrote was one of the best I've read to date. Congrats on the high quality of work.
Fabio Simi
Prospective Buyer
San Francisco, CA