Target Client Characteristics
Codiligent takes on a limited number of clients so that each business will receive the time and attention required for a successful sale.

Target Client Characteristics
Business-to-business companies
5+ year operating history
$2 - 30 million in annual revenue
$300k+ EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation & Amortization)
>10% EBITDA margin
Positive growth trend
Stable management
Top customer <20% of total revenue
Accurate and complete records and financial statements
Well-organized and responsive seller who is prepared to devote the time necessary to successfully sell a company
Located in Oregon or Washington
Additional Preferences
Large portion of repeat or recurring revenue
High retention of customers
Low employee turnover
Note: these are guidelines - Codiligent has taken on and successfully sold companies that don't meet all of these target characteristics.